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As nearly everything, options are also case independent.
The internal commands support only four options, because this is
easier to remember. These options start with a dash (-) followed by
one character.
1. -C (means Clear) , used by AVAIL , ENDCLI , LOCATE , PATH , RESIDENT
2. -R (means Recursive) , used by COPY , DELETE , DIR , LIST , JOIN ,
3. -Q (means Quick) , used by DIR , JOIN , LIST , DELETE
4. -S (means Sort) , used by COPY , MOVE , PROTECT
Instead of -R you could also use ALL , if FLAGS ALL ON is set.
For some special cases there are longer options used: "delete bla force"
FORCE is here an option. You can abbreviate this by a point
(see CONFIG DOT ), so "delete bla f." is the same.
To avoid a filename, that is equal to an option, to be treated as an
option you have to surround it with quotes:
copy "-r" ram: {to copy the file -r to ram:}
delete "force" {to delete the file named force}